Airflow Contents

  1. Installation
  2. Dags

What is DAG

Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG)

  1. Directed - If multiple tasks exist, each must have at least one defined upstream (previous) or downstream (subsequent) tasks, although they could easily have both.
  2. Acyclic - No task can create data that goes on to reference itself. This could cause an infinite loop that would be, um, it’d be bad. Don’t do that.
  3. Graph - All tasks are laid out in a clear structure with discrete processes occurring at set points and clear relationships made to other tasks.

Learning from an exmaple

Step 1. Import required library

from airflow import DAG

Step 2. Define our default arguments with dicttionary (optional)

default_args = {
    'owner': 'arthur',
    'depends_on_past': False,
    'email': [''],
    'email_on_failure': False,
    'email_on_retry': False,
    'retries': 1,
    'retry_delay': timedelta(minutes=5),
    'queue': 'bash_queue',
    'pool': 'backfill',
    'priority_weight': 10,
    'end_date': datetime(2016, 1, 1),
    'wait_for_downstream': False,    
    'sla': timedelta(hours=2),
    'execution_timeout': timedelta(seconds=300),
    'on_failure_callback': some_function,
    'on_success_callback': some_other_function,
    'on_retry_callback': another_function,
    'sla_miss_callback': yet_another_function,
    'trigger_rule': 'all_success'

Keys explanation:

owner (String): who owns this DAG, the name will appear in the list of dags web page

depends_on_past (Boolean): It is for to check whether to run a task or not depending of its previous DAG run(last run).

email (Array): List of email address to send if success

email_on_failure (Boolean): If failed any task send a notification by email.

email_on_retry (Boolean): If occurs retrying any task, send a notification by email.

retries (Int): The number of retry if any task in DAG is failed

retry_delay (timedelta Obj.): The interval between retries

queue: Scheduler sent task to executor to run on the queue.

pool: it can be used to limit the execution parallelism on arbitrary sets of tasks

priority_weight (Int): The priority of the editing DAG

end_date (datetime Obj.): The deadline of the task

wait_for_downstream (Boolean): if you set True The task instances directly upstream from the task need to be in a sucess state.

sla (timedelta Obj): Servuce Level Agreements(SLA), or time by which a task or DAG should have succeeded, can be set at a task level as a timedelta If one or many instances have not succeeded by that time, an alert email is sent detailing the list of tasks that missed their SLA.

execution_timeout (timedelta Obj.): Max time allowed for the execution of this task instance, if it goes beyond it will raise and fail.

on_failure_callback(callable): A function to be called when a task instance of this task fails. a context dictionary is passed as a single parameter to this function. Context contains references to related objects to the task instance and is documented under the macros section of the API.

on_success_callback(callable): much like the on_failure_callback except that it is executed when success occur.

on_retry_callback(callable): much like the on_failure_callbackexcept that it is executed when retries occur.


trigger_rule(String): All operators have a trigger_rule argument which defines the rule by which the generated task get triggered. The default value for trigger_rule is all_successand can be defined as “trigger this task when all directly upstream tasks have succeeded”. All other rules described here are based on direct parent tasks and are values that can be passed to any operator while creating tasks:

Step 3. Create a DAG Object

dag = DAG(
    description='A simple tutorial DAG',

Keys explanation:

dag_id (String): set up your dag id which will appear in web page of DAGs.

default_args (Dictionary): The dictionary we just define in previous step.

description (String): description of this DAG

schedule_interval (timedelta or String): the scheduler interval here, there are two main options to set up. I will highly recommand to use the following option here

start_date (datetime obj.): Set up the initial/starting date.

tags (Array): List of tags which will also show in web page of DAGs.